Subdivisions of Kosovo

Agreement on judiciary initialed

BRUSSELS - Another round of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina was finished in Brussels early Tuesday morning with the result that an agreement on judiciary was initialed, ensuring participation of Serb judges in trials in north Kosovo, Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic told reporters.

Officials, lawyers ask for Oliver Ivanovic to be released

Officials, lawyers ask for Oliver Ivanovic to be released

BELGRADE -- Serbian government officials and the legal representatives of Oliver Ivanovic urged on Wednesday his immediate release from detention.

Ivanovic is a political leader of Serbs in northern Kosovo and has been imprisoned for a year.

Molotov cocktails thrown at Serb home in Gnjilane

GNJILANE - Unknown attackers threw two Molotov cocktails at the house of the Serb family Nojic in the city of Gnjilane, southwest Kosovo-Metohija (KiM), during the night between Friday and Saturday.

Nobody was injured but damage was caused to the house in the attack, according to reports by local TV Plus from Silovo near Gnjilane.
