Turkish Armed Forces

New amendment to permit civilian officers in army, report says

The Turkish Armed Forces' (TSK) new amendment on employing civilian officers for military positions requiring specific qualifications will alter the superior-subordinate relationship as it will allow chief civilian officers to command their military subordinates, daily Habertürk reported June 16. 

Turkish army refutes speculations over top soldier's leave

The Turkish army and Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu have refuted claims that Chief of General Staff Gen. Necdet Özel left his office because of a disagreement with the government over military intervention in Syria, underlining he will be back to his job after recovering from a medical procedure. 

Domestically made Turkish helicopters join anti-terror operation

The Turkish General Staff announced it has begun using the first domestically made Turkish attack helicopters in a counter-terrorism operation for the very first time.

Two ATAK helicopters flew on April 25 to the southeastern province of Siirt to join the 3rd Commando Brigade, the General Staff said in an announcement posted on its official webpage on May 4.
