
UK ambassador to Turkey criticizes AKP deputy, Star editor over London terror attack remarks

U.K. Ambassador to Ankara Richard Moore has criticized ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Istanbul deputy Burhan Kuzu and daily Star editor-in-chief of Nuh Albayrak over their remarks on the March 22 U.K. parliament attack which killed four people and wounded 40.

Varoufakis tweets against Troika after wikileaks IMF revelations

Former Greek Finance Minister Yianis Varoufakis tweeted that the Troika was a ‘para-state’ force of ‘pseudo-technocrats’ responding to the wikileaks revelations about the conversation between Thomsen and Velculescu, Saturday. The self proclaimed ‘erratic Marxists’ said in a couple of Tweets that they were undermining Europe. ‘The unilateral targeting against Thomsen was stupid.

What we needed was a prosecutor to love

After waking up quite early on March 22 and having my required dose of coffee, I took a look at Twitter, which is my tool to measure the blood pressure of the nation.

A Turkish citizen of Iranian origin, Reza Zarrab, had been arrested in the U.S. I get that, okay. But who was this guy Preet Bharara that was mentioned in many tweets? 
