United Nations

PM Ponta: If Gov't negotiates sensibly with IMF, we can secure Flexible Credit Line next year

Prime Minister Victor Ponta said on Thursday that Romania could secure next year a Flexible Credit Line arrangement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), just as Poland has, provided that the Government holds sensible negotiations with Fund representatives.

UNESCO donates RSD 4.1 mn for museum renovation`

BELGRADE - Serbian Ministry of Culture and Information in cooperation with UNESCO has secured funds for the restoration of the museums in Arandjelovac and Paracin that were damaged in the May floods.

The amount of RSD 4.1 million was donated by UNESCO through its 2013-2014 Participation Program, the Ministry said in a release.

Vucic:Serbia wants closer cooperation with Republic of Korea

BELGRADE - Serbia wants sincere and friendly relations and closer cooperation, particularly in the economic sphere, with the Republic of Korea, a perfect example of a country whose hard work and discipline has lead to economic and societal progress, Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said Monday.

Scare-mongering dominates Greek electioneering

It was not the way Greeks thought they would spend their Christmas this year. Actually, many had already planned their holidays long ago. Judging from the record number of bookings, many had chosen to spend their Christmas at the popular winter resorts on the slopes of Mount Parnassus. The crisis is over, claimed the tour operators.

IMF says Greece intends to treat program as precautionary

Greece does not plan to draw on money from the International Moentary Fund for the remainder of its loan program, an IMF spokesman said on Thursday.

"Certainly it's our understanding now that the authorities intend to continue the current fund arrangement on a precautionary basis," IMF spokesman Bill Murray told reporters in Washington.

Negotiations with IMF ongoing at Ministry of Finances on budget deficit topic

The Romanian authorities and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Saturday morning held negotiations at the headquarters of the Ministry of Public Finances (MFP) focused on the budget deficit issue, a release from the MFP informs AGERPRES on Saturday.

Photo credit (c) Liviu SOVA / AGERPRES STREAM

PM Ponta: I exclude ending agreement with IMF, but a 0.9-pct deficit is unacceptable

Prime Minister Victor Ponta on Friday said that negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are under way and that he does not believe the ongoing agreement will be ended, although he finds unacceptable a deficit that is 0.9-percent of the Gross Domestic Product that the IMF demands.
