Ursula von der Leyen

"Wars" waged at EU: Revenge, false promises, battle for positions

In addition, one of the issues of "discord" within the Union is the alleged conflict of interest of one of the EU leaders, according to European media.
Instead of leading the EU into a more integrated post-Brexit era, three major institutions that have to cooperate to make the Union function effectively — the Council, Commission and Parliament — are fighting each other.

Von der Leyen Approved the New Candidates for EU Commissioners of France and Hungary

The next President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has approved the candidates for the European Commissioners of France and Hungary Thierry Breton and Oliver Varhelyi. This was announced today by EC spokesman Mina Andreeva, quoted by BNR.

Von der Leyen conducted the two interviews last night.

Iohannis: Ousted premier has no legitimacy to nominate candidate for European Commissioner

President Klaus Iohannis says that ousted Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has no legitimacy to nominate a candidate on Romania's behalf for the position of European Commissioner, demanding her not to convey such a nomination to the EC's President elect Ursula von der Leyen. "Ousted premier Mrs.

MEP Ciolos: Romania should send European Commissioner proposal by the beginning of next week

Special AGERPRES correspondent, Florin Stefan, reports: Romania should send its European Commissioner proposal by the beginning of next week, at the latest, in order for the European Parliament to be able to stick to its timetable and vote for the new European Commission at its session in November, Dacian Ciolos stated on Tuesday in Strasbourg.

European Council Fails to Reward North Macedonia, Albania

In a major blow to the hopes of the two Balkan countries, the European Council - preoccupied with Brexit -  on Thursday failed to give Albania and North Macedonia a date to start EU membership talks.

In a last-ditch effort to reach an agreement on the matter, amid fading hope, the Council moved the issue of enlargement to Friday's last session of the council.
