Video hosting

Greek MLS Smartphones Come to Bulgaria with a Voice Assistant in Bulgarian

Greek Technology Company MLS Innovation Inc. announced its entry into Bulgaria. Their main advantage is a voice assistant in Bulgarian language. The MAIC (Artificial Intelligence Center) is an innovative technology embedded in the company's products. It allows voice interaction over a phone or tablet in Bulgarian. The software is available on all devices in the company.

YouTube Will Recognize Songs in Videos

In many clips and videos, interesting songs often attract attention. Many people get their favorite songs this way, especially on YouTube. However, finding the song can be difficult and the video portal thinks it can help.

YouTube starts gradually releasing the "Music in this video" feature. It will automatically try to recognize which songs are used in a video.

YouTube will Fight Videos, which Exploit Children

YouTube introduced changes to its rules for videos in which all children were removed, reports kaldata. 

YouTube will now block these videos that show real or fake bullying over children or family members. These videos will be removed and the comment space blocked. BuzzFeed alerted YouTube about the problem on November 21st.
