Less money for parties, health care system to be improved

BELGRADE - The Serbian parliament on Saturday adopted amendments to the law on funding political activities, amendments to the health insurance law, as well as the law on medical documentation and records.

Under the amended law on funding political activities, parties will receive around 30 percent less money from the budget, which will save EUR 3.5 million of state funds.

The share of funds set aside for political parties will drop from 0.15 percent to 0.105 percent, with pre-electoral activities to be funded with 0.07 percent, rather than 0.1 percent of budget funds.

The amended law also allows parties to use budget funds to buy real estate properties on condition that they are used for political activities only.

The MPs also adopted amendments to the health insurance law and the law on medical documentation and records, which aim to boost institutions in this field.

Photo Tanjug, S. Ilic (archive photo)

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