Meet Turkey's Caitlyn Jenner

I met Rüzgar during my time as a judge on a television show this winter? He was one of the strapping young men that worked with the production company and was exceptionally hard working and cheerful. He would run up with the earpiece, attach the microphones, prepare the streaming, pick you up from your home if necessary, even ask us if we were cold or hungry. I realized that he was the Rüzgar the entire country was talking about two weeks later, once a friend mentioned it. Needless to say I was very surprised.

Neither his appearance nor attitude gave away any sort of hint of his previous identity. He stood in front of me, one hundred percent man.  We worked together for almost three months. He never let me down, not even one day. I always respected his professionalism, his work ethic and loved him more as I got to know him better. Rüzgar wants to go back to his acting career of 15 years and he deserves nothing more. Several weeks ago, he won the lawsuit against the doctor that operated on him. He?s now ready for a brand new beginning.



Is the Rüzgar Erkoçlar identity formation complete? How do you feel?

Actually, I always felt like I was complete. The situation never changes from my point of view. I see that that?s not the case from the outside point of view. The expressions on peoples? faces and the never ending glances give me some sort of idea about that. I see people looking me up and down and I say to myself, ?Oh, yeah? I am Rüzgar Erkoçlar.?

Has the second life started off well?

This isn?t a second life. For as long as I can remember, I have felt like this, I have lived this life. The beauty of life, the experiences and what you feel changes but I have always been me. 

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