Frequent sex makes you smarter

The more frequent sex you have with your partner, the better chances you have of leading a balanced and more satisfying relationship, according to research. The study published in the magazine ‘Psychological Science’, claims that the demanding and stressful lifestyles we live lead to a routine setting in, which in turn affects our sexual contacts with our better half, thus adversely impacting our relationship’s health, eroding the intimate moments and the decision making. The study argues sexual contact creates positive feelings that we do not realise when we do not have frequent sex. Psychologist Ryahn Anderson listed 6 benefits frequent sex provides to people on website ‘Psychology Today':

  1. Reduces stress levels
  2. Increases self-esteem
  3. Improves emotional intimacy
  4. Makes us smarter
  5. Makes us feel and look younger
  6. It is good exercise


So next time you feel tired after a long day at work, think of all the benefits you can gain from a ‘quickie’….

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