Strange Treasure Next to the Great Pyramid at Giza

Archaeologists are trying to pull an unexpected treasure from the depths of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

A strange operation takes place in the Sahara's burning sands. Scientists are trying to pull an ancient ship from the sand, piece by piece. 

In order to do that, a unique laboratory is built next to the Great Pyramid. In it, a diverse team of scientists is trying to bring a ship buried there nearly 5000 years ago.

The ruins are excavated through a new Japanese technology. The process is quite slow and delicate. The removing of a board can take a week. This is the second of the two ships buried at the tomb of Pharaoh.

Each of the two ships was dismounted at more than 1,000 parts before being buried. Then the ancient builders took care to write detailed instructions on how to assemble them.

Probably the two ships were designed to transfer the soul of Pharaoh and his wife to the world beyond, but this is only a theory.

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