Money for Innovation under New Rules

- Mr. Takov, for three months you are the Executive Agency for Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (BSMEPA). What are your priorities for improving its activity?

- Leading priority is to build a longer-term concept and vision for the agency. Of course, this must be done with the support of the Ministry of Economy, our principal, because we are implementing state policy to promote small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We will strive for the agency to be even more open to business and to participate in the process of relieving the administrative burdens on businesses. We will participate more actively in the communication with the business as a consultant because the agency passes financial projects that support SMEs, are connected with national voucher schemes, internationalization etc., there is also the National Innovation Fund (NIF). These are all financial tools that need to be made more accessible - businesses are more informed about them and look for their application. Few entrepreneurs know what the agency offers, there is a kind of vacuum that I hope will be filled. Mentioning that we need to be a consultant I mean specific situations - for example, to show companies where preferential financial instruments exist, how they can start a market, how they can improve their performance.

- Speaking of financial instruments, the agency manages the voucher scheme for securities issuance by small and medium-sized companies. Are there any results already, what are the benefits for the business from it?

- The scheme actually started on October 15, 2010. Unfortunately, there is currently no business interest in this tool. We have information that some companies are already working with investment...

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