BAS Prof. Penka Petrova: We Relaxed in Summer but Current Situation Raises Concern


It's disturbing that we see a spike in deaths. We relaxed in the summer, but now we've reached morbidity  peak. I hope that after the introduction of new anti-epidemic measures the situation will gradually improve, said Prof. Penka Petrova from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS).

She is adamant that COVID-19 can only be countered with vaccines. So, in her words, the normal way of life will be restored. Prof. Petrova said it was becoming increasingly common to give up drugs that were thought to have an effect against the novel Coronavirus.

'The reaction of people is amazing to me. Vaccines helped eradicate some terrible diseases, such as smallpox. We have a lot of experience in the production of vaccines and I am surprised why the population is skeptical," Prof. Petrova noted.

She added that this will not be a brand new vaccine because companies have previous experience with other coronaviruses. Vaccines, on the other hand, will go through all the necessary stages of approval.

"After phase three, all groups of people, including pregnant women and children, should be screened," she said. In her words, however, there is no need for young children to get vaccinated. Those who work, however, are strongly advised to get vaccinated, especially doctors and teachers. People with chronic diseases should also be vaccinated.

"The results of the risk groups have not yet been released," she said.

The illness is very unknown. It is unclear how the disease will develop in each individual case. For now, it is believed that the vaccine will fully protect against infection," the scientist added.

The Bulgarian vaccine is based on protein. The prototype will be ready by...

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