Assets of privately managed mandatory pension funds at roughly 73.145 bln lei as of end November

Assets of mandatory privately managed pension funds amounted to over 73.145 billion lei as of November 27, 2020, up 20 percent YoY, shows data of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF). Government securities account for the largest share in assets with 49.73 billion lei (68 pct), followed by stocks with 15.158 billion lei (20.72 pct) and corporate bonds with 2.98 billion lei (4.07 pct). According to ASF data, Pillar II pension fund assets totaled 73.145 billion lei as of November 2020, and were worth a net 73.113 billion lei. There were 7.604 million contributors to the mandatory privately managed pension funds, with contributions for 7.484 million participants funneled into the system since the start of retirement plans. In September 2020 contributions had been paid for 3.945 million contributors, while 3.639 million people had missed out on the regular payments. The following pension funds operate in Romania under Pillar II: Metropolitan Life Pensii, Aripi, AZT Viitorul Tau, BCR, BRD, NN and Vital.AGERPRES(RO - author: George Banciulea, editor: Nicoleta Gherasi; EN - author: Simona Klodnischi, editor: Maria Voican)

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