The algorithm of the ballot

Greeks will go to the polls on May 21. [AP]

This analysis will not begin with the famous quote from strategist James Carville in Bill Clinton's successful 1992 presidential campaign against incumbent George H.W. Bush. Whoever can identify the criterion by which the critical mass of the Greek electorate will vote on May 21 will have solved the equation of the ballot, as they will have read the intentions of the pool of undecided voters.

The wiretapping scandal periodically affected public opinion, as indicated by opinion polls and the prevailing atmosphere that was carefully fueled by the political opponents of the government. However, the scandal never seemed to have had a major impact on developments. Perhaps it was not deemed as important as more tangible and palpable issues, equally problematic for the governing party, such as the skyrocketing cost of housing, which has economic and social implications that may...

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