Price inflation measures to yield results in March

The new measures to combat high prices are expected to lead to double-digit reductions in the prices of certain categories of products on supermarket shelves in March, the general director of the Supermarkets' Association of Greece, Apostolos Petalas, said on Sunday.

Based on the new price lists for personal hygiene products, household cleansers and detergents, he sai, the base prices are lower and the ministry appears to have "won the wager" for their reduction.

The measures that go into effect on March 1 call for a reduction of base prices equal to at least 30% of the sum of discounts and special offers given by wholesale suppliers to retailers. "I think a real reform of the market has been achieved.

The companies, multinationals, but also domestic… adopted a policy in the last 20-30 years of high prices and big discounts. The new law forces them to radically...

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