Germany to be honored country at 88th Thessaloniki International Fair

German Ambassador Andreas Kindl on Thursday presented Germany's participation as honored country at the 88th Thessaloniki International Fair that will be held on September 7-15, in the context of the joint press conference with the organizer TIF-HELEXPO in the hall of the old Stock Exchange.

According to Kindl, the huge interest of over 100 German exhibitors from all 16 federal states proves that Greece and Germany resisting the politically and economically turbulent times and are shaping the future together.

Germany's participation as honored country at the 88th TIF offers, according to Kindl, an opportunity to lead their bilateral relations in the fields of economy, politics, science and culture to another level.

For his part, Deputy Foreign Minister responsible for the Economic Diplomacy and Openness Kostas Fragogiannis underlined that Germany's...

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