Intel academy aims for creating intelligence community in Türkiye

One of the primary objectives of the newly founded National Intelligence Academy (MIA) is to generate an intelligence community in a scientific way to value the vast intelligence accumulation of Türkiye, in line with the Century of Türkiye Vision, the head of the academy has said.

Prof. Talha Köse, who has been appointed as the head of the MIA, met the Ankara bureau chiefs of media outlets on May 17 and informed them about the establishment of the academy and the studies to be conducted.

Underlining Türkiye's successes in the field of intelligence, especially in the past decade, Köse stressed that the academy will serve as an academic platform on which intelligence and security studies can be carried out.

"Intelligence studies are a part of scientific research in the world. Universities, think tanks that are working on intelligence produce new concepts, theories and methods and put them forth in their publications," Köse said. He underlined that it is time for Türkiye to do the same and register its own doctrine, stressing "To produce knowledge through academic studies in this field will play an important role in valuing Türkiye's intelligence accumulation and creating a future vision."

The academy will play a key role in creating awareness for intelligence studies among the academics, think tankers and experts, Prof. Köse stated. "We are aiming at creating an intelligence community consisting of academics, experts and other relevant professionals working on intelligence and producing knowledge," he explained.

"This intelligence community will generate a synergy and pave the way for new ideas on intelligence-related issues," added the professor.

The academy will open its doors to postgraduate students in September through...

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