Serbian business and financial sectors expect 3.2-5.0 pct one-year ahead inflation

BELGRADE - The National Bank of Serbia (NBS) says the results of an April Ninamedia survey indicate that one-year ahead inflation expectations of the financial sector have dropped to 3.9 pct from 4.0 pct in March, continuing on a downward path towards the NBS target midpoint.

"The latest, May Bloomberg survey shows that one-year ahead expectations of the financial sector remained close to the target midpoint, at 3.2 pct," the central bank said in a statement.

One-year ahead corporate expectations stayed unchanged, at 5.0 pct.

"Medium-term inflation expectations of the financial sector were within the NBS target tolerance band, moving around the target midpoint, as two-year ahead expectations came at 3.3 pct (a decline from the March 3.5 pct) and three-year ahead expectations at 3.0 pct (a decline from the March 3.2 pct).

Two-year ahead corporate...

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