Buenos Aires


A new threat looming Turkey's horizon: Brain drain

Listening to our colleagues from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa, we, a group of Turkish journalists and academics, felt we were not alone in our frustration over issues like the lack of public reaction to corruption allegations, politicians’ efforts to cover up corruption allegations (at times on ridiculous grounds), governments’ lust to bypass or erode laws, and state officials

Emerging markets use the same anti-democratic methods

“All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” Tolstoy’s line from his novel “Anna Karenina” was reminded to us by Fabio Ostermann, the head of a Brazilian think tank. It was indeed an appropriate reference, since we were a bit like five big families gathered to talk about our unhappy lives!

Argentina's vice president meets Serbia's foreign minister

BUENOS AIRES - Amado Boudou, Argentina's vice president and head of the Senate, met on Wednesday with Ivica Dacic, Serbia's deputy prime minister and foreign minister, who is on a visit to Argentina.

On Wednesday, the first day of the visit, Dacic was named Buenos Aires Guest of Honour, and stated that he wishes for Buenos Aires and Belgrade to become sister cities.

Dacic named Buenos Aires Guest of Honour

BUENOS AIRES - Serbia's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, who is on a visit to Argentina, has been named Buenos Aires Guest of Honour and stated that he wishes for Buenos Aires and Belgrade to become sister cities.

Dacic received this recognition from City Legislature Vice-President Cristian Ritondo on Tuesday, the Serbian Foreign Ministry stated on Wednesday.
