New Delhi


India-Pakistan border in Kashmir laced with blood

The Line of Control (LoC) dividing the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir into India and Pakistan symbolizes decades of painful history. Now it is once again turning into a battleground between the two nuclear-armed neighbors.

The large population living on both sides of the divide continue living on the edge amid one of the heaviest military presences in the world.

India protests rage on as death toll rises to 20

Thousands of people joined fresh rallies against a contentious citizenship law in India on Dec. 21, with 20 killed so far in the unrest.    

The death toll jumped after demonstrations turned violent on Dec. 20 in the most populous state of Uttar Pradesh, leaving at least 11 dead including an eight-year-old boy, who was trampled.    

New Protests in India against the Citizenship Act

Opponents of the Indian citizenship law, considered discriminatory against Muslims, have raised new protests today, BTA reported.

There were clashes between thousands of protesters and police officers in the capital New Delhi.

The security forces used tear gas to repel protesters, who were piling up barricades and were throwing stones at the police.

Dozens of Injured Students and Police Officers in Mass Protests in New Delhi

Four public transport buses in the capital were set on fire, while others were seriously damaged in mass protests against the new citizenship act.

Police are using tear gas against students at Jamia Millia Islamia University in the southern part of the capital. More than 100 activists and 35 police officers, including some senior officers, were injured.

Traffic Congestion in Sofia is Worse than those in San Francisco and Sydney

The capitals of three neighbors of Bulgaria are among the ten cities in Europe with the greatest traffic congestion. These are Istanbul, Bucharest and Athens, with the first two cities ranked second and third in 2018, only behind Moscow. The Greek capital is in 7th place, ahead of Rome, Warsaw and Ekaterinburg.

The Bulgarian Embassy in Delhi is Cooperating with Fellow Bulgarian Citizens in Sri Lanka

According to information from our embassy in India, there are no reports of injured Bulgarian citizens at the time of terrorist attacks in churches and hotels in Sri Lanka. At least 290 deaths have been reported as a result of the explosions.
