
Thessaloniki also known as Thessalonica, Salonika or Salonica, is the second-largest city in Greece and the capital of the region of Macedonia. Greeks consider it like συμπρωτεύουσα (the associated-capital) of the Northern Greece. Indeed, Thessaloniki was already the largest city of the Byzantine Empire after Constantinople.

Country: Greece Population: 385 406

9 jailed pending trial over allegedly harassing, threatening 2 transgender persons in Thessaloniki

Nine people jailed in Greece will be tried Monday over accusations they harassed and threatened two 21-year-old transgender persons in the northern city of Thessaloniki.

The nine were remanded after appearing before a prosecutor Sunday. Twelve other people, all minors, were released provisionally pending trial on the same charges before a juvenile court.

Police arrest 21 people in Thessaloniki after attack on trans youths

Police arrested 21 individuals for attacking two transgender people late on Saturday in the northern port city of Thessaloniki, including 11 minors who were later released under orders of a prosecutor. 

They are facing charges of serial verbal abuse with racist motives, while two of the adults were additionally charged with attempted serial simple bodily harm, with racist motives.

Aegean adds fourth daily flight to London Heathrow

Aegean Airlines has secured another slot at London's Heathrow airport and is adding to its schedule a fourth daily flight from Athens to the UK's busiest international hub, it said on Tuesday.

The new flight will operate every day throughout the year except on Saturdays, leaving Athens at 4 p.m. local time and London/Heathrow at 7 p.m. local time.

Key points in the ongoing Tempe tragedy probe

Even though a year has gone by since the February 28, 2023 rail disaster near Larissa at Tempe, central Greece - which claimed the lives of 57 people, most of them young university students returning from a long weekend break - judicial authorities appear to have widened the scope of inquiries in recent weeks, adding more names to their list of suspects.

Two years after Russian invasion, Greece struggles with ‘Ukraine fatigue’

On a bleak anniversary for Europe, the day that marks two years since the Russian invasion on Ukrainian soil, crowds of Greek supporters of Ukraine's fight for freedom gathered in the city centers of Athens and Thessaloniki, expressing their continuous support and solidarity for the Ukrainian cause.
