

Bulgaria's State Railways to Scrap Property for BGN 19M

Deputy Prime Minister Daniela Bobeva has started negotiations with the international creditors of Bulgarian State Railways who have agreed to reschedule loans for 10 years.

The Holding's total liabilities currently amount to BGN 620M compared to BGN 704M in May, 2013, CEO Hristian Krastev told in an interview for Trud Daily.

Bulgarian Minister: EU Sanctions against Russia Still Not Unavoidable

Bulgaria will be among the countries wost affected by EU sanctions against Russia, according to Foreign Minister Kristian Vigenin.

In a Friday interview for the morning broadcast of TV7, he insisted that the European Union and Russia had to make another serious attempt to return to the negotiating table.

Bulgaria's Ludogorets Lost To Valencia By 1:0

Bulgaria's football champion lost to Valencia by 1:0 in the second leg of the Europa League 1/8 final in Spain. 

The total result for the Spanish team is 4:0, which qualifies it for the quarter final of the tournament. 

Ludogorets, however, was the only Bulgarian team to get that far in the European tournaments this season.

Year of European film in Nis

NIS - The festival entitled “The Days of the European Film”, which will showcase films made in 32 member states of the Council of Europe, is taking place in Nis, southern Serbia, and for this city the entire year will be marked by the European film.

The festival will show movies from Germany, Hungary, Denmark, France, Italy, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia, Portugal and other countries.
