

7.1-Magnitude Earthquake Hits China-Kyrgyzstan Border

In a seismic event that rattled the border region between Kyrgyzstan and China's Xinjiang province, a formidable 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck, leaving behind a trail of injuries and significant structural damages. The quake commenced at 02:09 local time, impacting a mountainous expanse in Xinjiang, with the seismic waves felt across the border in Kyrgyzstan.

Erdoğan heads to Uzbekistan for economic summit

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has traveled to Uzbekistan to participate in the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Summit, according to an announcement from the Communications Directorate.

During his visit, Erdoğan is set to address the summit session on Nov. 9 and engage in bilateral meetings with other leaders attending the event.

Erdoğan arrives in Astana for Turkic states summit

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has departed for the Kazakh capital Astana to attend the 10th summit of the heads of state of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS).

According to a statement from Türkiye's Directorate of Communications, the two-day summit held under the theme "Turk Time" aims to facilitate discussions on enhancing cooperation within the organization.
