Soviet Union

Albania’s Ancient Greek Ghost island, from secret Soviet base to tourist hotspot (photos + video)

Sazan Island is a half-hour boat ride from mainland Albania and is shrouded in a ghostly legacy. The island, where the Adriatic and Ionian seas meet between Italy and Albania was once home to a Soviet military base and chemical weapons facility.

Serbian soldiers march on Red Square

Serbian soldiers march on Red Square

MOSCOW -- Members of the Serbian Army (VS) Guard were among the servicement who on Saturday took part in the Victory Day parade on Moscow's Red Square.

This was the largest parade of its kind organized to date by Russia to mark May 9, the day when Germany capitulated in 1945.

Turkey's energy minister calls on environmentalists to march against outdated nuke plant in Armenia

Energy Minister Taner Y?ld?z has called on environmentalists in Turkey to march together against a nuclear power plant in Armenia near the Turkish border, the life of which has been extended by 10 years although its original closing date was set for next year. 
