

Bulgaria Drops Ten Positions to 78th Place in FIFA Ranking

The Bulgarian men's national football team dropped ten position in the latest FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking and currently occupies the 78th position with 414 points, being between the teams of Haiti and Togo.

The drop is due to the two defeats suffered by Bulgaria in the September qualifiers for UEFA EURO 2016 against the teams of Norway and Italy.

Greece has the highest unemployment rate in EU

Greek unemployment rate rose to 25.2% of the workforce in June, from 25 % in May, according to a report published by Eurostat.

Based on that report, the number of unemployed people in the EU totaled 23 million and in the Eurozone 17.6 million in August. Greece and Spain recorded the highest unemployment rates in the EU with 25.2% and 22.2% respectively.

Pro-Independence Parties Gain Most Seats in Catalonia Vote

Parties backing the breakaway of Catalonia from Spain have secured a majority in the province's regional Parliament at the elections held Sunday, results show.

A clear majority of 72 seats (in a regional parliament of 135 seats) will be controlled by parties backing a move by Catalonia to break away from Spain by the beginning of 2017.

Bulgaria Hosting European Pétanque Championship

France's Ambassador to Bulgaria on Saturday officially kicked off the European Championship Pétanque Men 2015 taking place in the Black Sea resort of Albena until Sunday.

Teams from France, Belgium, Spain and Italy - the best on the continent- will compete in this year's European tournament alongside professionals and amateurs from 36 countries.
