
Taiwan condemns ’evil neighbour’ China over war drills

Taiwan blasted its "evil neighbour next door" on Aug. 5 after China encircled the island with a series of huge military drills that were condemned by the United States and other Western allies.

During Thursday's military exercises, which continued Friday, China fired ballistic missiles and deployed both fighter jets and warships around Taiwan.

It started VIDEO

This is happening a day after the visit of the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress, Nancy Pelosi, to Taipei, the world media reported, referring to the report of the state television CCTV.

China begins major Taiwan military drills after Pelosi visit

China's largest-ever military exercises encircling Taiwan kicked off on Aug. 4, in a show of force straddling vital international shipping lanes after a visit to the island by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi left Taiwan Wednesday after a trip that defied a series of stark threats from Beijing, which views the self-ruled island as its territory.

Nancy Pelosi left Taiwan?

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan has sparked a major controversy between Washington and Beijing.
China has already closed airspace in the area and ordered military exercises near Taiwan, promising serious consequences.
According to Sputnik International, Pelosi is leaving Taiwan to continue her Asia tour, as she is expected to visit South Korea and Japan.
