COVID-19 in Bulgaria 83 New Cases

According to information from the National Information System, 83 new cases of Coronavirus have been denounced for the past 24 hours.
Total of 1,191 tests were made. The percentage of drop on open cases, which means that 6.9% of the tests are positive.  This is clear decline in the total cases as well as the percentage of yesterday's numbers, which was more than 11.8%.

In the same time from last Monday until today, the newly registered coronavirus infections in Bulgaria are 2801 in total - 84 % more than the previous week, according to official statistics.

The number of deceased and recovered for the past seven days remains almost unchanged - according to official statistics, the victims of COVID-19 are 50 people (compared to 52 between September 27 and October 4), and fully recovered are 834 - 10 more than the previous period.

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