Independent Authority

Influencers, popular websites come under tax scrutiny

The intense social media activity of certain popular influencers has led the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) to inspect those who directly or indirectly advertise products. The focus is on whether the income they earn from advertising products on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook is declared in their tax returns. 

Most debt plan applications are rejected

Eight out of 10 applications submitted under the new 36- to 72-installment arrangement are rejected by the electronic system of the tax administration, as those interested in joining it usually do not meet the terms and conditions. The biggest problem they face concerns the condition of not having any unregulated debts before November 2021.

More than 1 mln property owners exempt from ENFIA

Over a million property owners will be exempted from paying the Single Property Tax (ENFIA) this year, either because of low income and assets or because they live in areas affected by natural catastrophes.

An analysis of data from the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) also shows that compared to 2018, there are 171,703 fewer people that will need to pay ENFIA in 2023.

Property transactions probed

The increase of the tax-free threshold for parental concessions and donations to 800,000 euros each and for property transfers, many of which are carried out in cash, have activated the monitoring mechanism of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE), which will root out violations of tax legislation.
