Ministry of Finance

Cyprus fund to begin investments

The first investments by the Cyprus Equity Fund, set up by the Cypriot government in cooperation with the European Investment Fund (a subsidiary of the European Investment Bank) and with a total budget of 37.5 million euros, are expected to begin this fall, so as to cover the financial gap in the fields of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Bulgaria Moves Closer to Euro Adoption with Key Legislative Approvals

The Budget Committee has approved both bills submitted by the Council of Ministers for the introduction of the euro and the Law on Credit Institutions. To address the unstable political situation and the risk of early elections, the committee decided to grant a mandate to the Ministry of Finance.

Bulgaria Accelerates Eurozone Entry: Parliament Sets July 2025 Target

The Bulgarian Parliament has recently adopted a decision to accelerate the process of adopting the euro. Under this new directive, the Ministry of Finance is tasked with requesting Bulgaria's Eurozone membership to commence on July 1, 2025, provided the country meets the inflation criteria by the end of this year.

Parliament: Merger Agreement Between Attica Bank and Pancreta Approved by ND and PASOK Votes

With an increased majority, the ruling party ND (New Democracy) and PASOK-KINAL voted for the Ministry of Finance and National Economy’s bill “Ratification of the 18.7.2024 Merger and Investment Agreement between the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund and the limited liability company THRIVEST HOLDING LTD” for the merger of Attica Bank with Pancreta Bank in the plenary session.

Bulgarian MPs Push for Faster Euro Adoption Despite Feasibility Concerns

Bulgarian MPs have called for the accelerated adoption of the euro, but the finance minister explained that this was not feasible. The Committee on Budget and Finance voted on a decision urging the caretaker government to expedite the practical preparations for the euro's adoption in Bulgaria. This draft decision was submitted by Boyko Borissov and several representatives from GERB.

Wasting time

The Ministry of Finance shows, as a rule, a certain self-restraint. It knows it is walking a tightrope. Such was the case in April, long before the European Parliament elections, when Finance Minister Kostis Hatzidakis rushed (as if he was afraid of something) to prevent future pressures on fiscal stability.
