Costas Lapavitsas

Reactions, deliberations within ruling SYRIZA after plan given to creditors

Top government and ruling SYRIZA party officials met in the Maximos Mansion on Wednesday in a much-anticipated session chaired by PM Alexis Tsipras, a day after his government presented and won conditional support of a tax-for- cash deal with institutional creditors.

SYRIZA's Left Platform makes gains but proposal voted down

Dissent within SYRIZA over the prospect of a compromise with creditors bringing more austerity measures surfaced over the weekend with the party?s radical Left Platform proposing that Greece stop paying its creditors if they continue with ?blackmailing tactics,? and seek an ?alternative plan.?

Witnesses at bailout probe to be finalized Tuesday

The list of witnesses who will be called to testify before the parliamentary committee set up to examine the circumstances under which Greece agreed to bailouts with the European Union and the International Monetary Fund will be finalized on Tuesday.

Most of the witnesses are expected to be individuals who held office between October 2009 and January 2015.