
Serbia is China's first comprehensive strategic partner in CEE - Chinese MFA

BEIJING - Serbia is China's first comprehensive strategic partner in Central and Eastern Europe and the two countries maintain an iron-clad friendship, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Serbia on May 7-8.

Vučić with Touadéra: Thank you for firmly respecting territorial integrity of Serbia

"I want to thank you for your visit, to say that Serbia extremely values friendship with the Central African Republic. It is of great importance for us, we will do our best to develop our relations even more. Serbia is proud of its heritage of sincere friendship with African countries", Vucic said.
"Thank you for firmly respecting the territorial integrity of Serbia," he added.

Vučić from Tirana: "The voice of Serbia is listened to with respect here"

Vui stated that he spoke with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky about the territorial integrity of both countries, respect for the UN Charter, but also about other important topics and initiatives for peace.
Vui stated that Serbia's voice was listened to with respect at the summit in Tirana.

Vučić: "The movement is important. I'm only interested in Serbia, that we save KiM"

"From Monday, I will start consultations in accordance with the Constitution. During the next week, I will talk with those who want to talk, there will be those who will not. I will consult with everyone who wants to talk, and after that, I will appoint the mandate holders," Vucic said.

Vučić revealed whether Serbia intends to impose sanctions on Russia

"We are not boasting off or anything like that, but as you can see, my answer will continue to be that we will try to defend our position as long as possible. We managed to do that for two years. Whether we will continue to do that - I don't know, but I hope so'', said Vui in an interview with TASS Director General Andrey Kondrashov.
