
Kosovo:Opposition demands abandonment of Brussels agreements

Opposition in Kosovo pressed the government in Pristina demanding that agreements reached with Belgrade in Brussels and be abandoned.

The parties said the protests they were staging in the Pristina parliament would not stop until Pristina's signatures were withdrawn from those documents as well as from the agreement on the demarcation with Montenegro.

Church in Orahovac pelted with rocks

Several unidentified young men threw stones at the gate of the church of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God in Orahovac, KiM.

Several unidentified young men threw stones at the gate of the church of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God in Orahovac, a town in southern Kosovo-Metohija, and the case was reported to the police.

Kosovo Opposition MPs Tear-Gas Parliament Again

Opposition party MPs set off three tear gas canisters in the legislature on Thursday, causing the chamber to be evacuated and the parliamentary session to be halted.

The canisters were brought into parliament despite that fact that MPs were searched on Thursday morning under new security measures introduced after a similar tear-gas attack by opposition lawmakers last week.
