
WHO: The Pandemic is Far from Over

The pandemic is far from over, the World Health Organization has warned. The organization's director said the health crisis would end when "the world decides to end".

"It is in our hands, we have all the necessary tools - in the field of public health and medicine, but the world is not using them well," Tedros Gebreyesus said at a conference in Berlin.

Checks for "Green Certificates" in Bulgaria Start Tomorrow

This was the last weekend without fines in restaurants if you do not have a green certificate. The promise of the health services is to start intensified inspections and fines from tomorrow.

In order to meet the new requirements, owners of restaurants in Plovdiv are already opening points for quick tests.

Dnevnik says EU opted for the lesser evil in decision on Poland

Ljubljana – The European political map was divided along the familiar lines this week on the issue of the rule of law and other issues, Dnevnik says. Only the extreme right in the EU Parliament and Viktor Orban – partly also Janez Janša – showed understanding as Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki “roared against Brussels institutions and the EU law”.

Delo urges caution in arms deals

Ljubljana – The newspaper Delo notes on Saturday that there is a long history of scandals involving arms deals in Slovenia. Commenting on a government-to-government purchase of a transport aircraft from Italy, the paper says that the Defence Ministry has checked whether the deal could be carried out without an anti-corruption clause in the contract.

IN 2 DAYS: Over 40,000 People have been Vaccinated against COVID-19 in Bulgaria

The interest in vaccination in our country continues to increase. Another day with queues for immunization in the country. Vaccination points in Ruse even warn that there is already a shortage of some vaccines.

The executive drug agency reassured that there were enough doses available from the 4 authorized vaccines.

How to Install the Covid Green Certificate on your Phone

The requirement to present a covid vaccination certificate when visiting establishments and other public places has made many people remember that they have one, but it is on paper or as a pdf. Others have yet to be vaccinated and will receive one. However, here are some smart ways to make it easy to use over the phone.
