Atmospheric dynamics

The Weather in Bulgaria will be Sunny and Warm Today - 15-20°C

Atmospheric pressure is lower than the average for the month and will remain unchanged.

Today will be mostly sunny, with temporary increases in cloudiness. A light to moderate wind will blow from the west-southwest. The maximum temperatures will be between 15°C and 20°C, in Sofia - about 16°C.

Weather: How the warm holidays in Greece relate to the “storm of the century” in the US

The heat wave that started about a month ago will extend and the unseasonable "summer" weather - with temperatures averaging 3 to 4 degrees above normal for the season - will last until the end of next week, with Epiphany expected to be sunny.

Weather in Bulgaria: Windy with Temperatures between 9°-14°C

Today the maximum temperatures will decrease slightly and will be between 9° and 14° Degrees, in Sofia - around 9°C. This was announced for FOCUS News Agency by the weather forecaster on duty Hristo Hristov from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology.

Bulgarian Meteorology Institute Stopped its Protest, there will be Weather Forecasts

Weather in Bulgaria: Snowfall will Gradually Decrease in Western Bulgaria, Max Temp 3°-8°C

Today in Western Bulgaria it will stop snowing before noon and during the day the clouds will break and decrease, over many areas, until mostly sunny weather. In Eastern Bulgaria there will be rainfall, in the Ludogorie and the Fore-Balkans mixed with snow, and in the afternoon the precipitation will weaken and stop, at the latest in the evening in the northeastern regions.

Dog days, thermal discomfort, atmospheric instability in Bucharest, countrywide Sunday through Tuesday

The weather remains warm in Bucharest, on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, hot during the afternoons, with thermal maximums of 36 degrees Celsius, but there will also be torrential rains, electric discharges and short-term wind intensifications, according to the special forecast issued by the National Meteorological Administration (ANM).
