Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija

Djuric: Attackers on young man must be found urgently

BELGRADE - Director of the Serbian government's Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Marko Djuric has urged the provincial authorities and competent representatives of the international community to urgently find and punish the perpetrators of an attack in northern Kosovska Mitrovica in which a young Serb man was stabbed in the chest late on Thurdsay, the Office for KiM said in a release.

Police patrol "did not react" as Serb teen was attacked

Police patrol "did not react" as Serb teen was attacked

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA -- Three members of the Kosovo police who were on duty as a 17-year-old Serb was stabbed in an incident in Kosovska Mitrovica have been suspended.

This announcement was made on Friday, a day after the incident, by Deputy Regional Commander of the Kosovo Police Besim Hoti.

Kosovo Offers Deal on Serb-Language Diplomas

The Kosovo government has put forward a landmark proposal that will make it easier for Kosovo Serbs and members of other minority groups to apply for jobs in public institutions.

The deal involves Kosovo accepting the validity of diplomas issued by the country's Serbian-language university in the Serb-run far north of the country.
