
Far-Right Candidate Concedes Defeat in Austria's Presidential Election

Norbert Hofer the candidate of Austria's Freedom Party, is set to lose the presidential election rerun that is being held on Sunday, exit polls show.

His opponent Alexander Van der Bellen, a former head of the Green party, is leading, according to estimates cited by daily newspaper Die Presse.

Austria’s far right dangerously close to winning in presidential election showdown

The outcome of Austria’s presidential elections today will serve as a new gauge of the populist wave sweeping Western democracies, as a divided country’s decision at the voting booths could deliver the first freely elected far-right head of state in Europe since World War II.


Austria's Presidential Vote 'Too Close to Call'

The two candidates in Austria's presidential elections are running neck and neck in the second round of the vote held on Sunday.

Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) candidate Norbert Hofer and former Green Party leader Alexander van der Bellen are both supported by around 50% of voters, according to a public TV projection cited by daily Der Standard.
