Bulgarian folklore

Bulgaria's Colorful Tradition: Unraveling the Mysteries of Baba Marta and the Martenitsa

On March 1, Bulgarians celebrate Baba Marta - one of the most beloved Bulgarian traditions, preserved to this day. We associate the holiday with the symbolic beginning of spring and the renewal of nature. On this day, everyone presents their loved ones with martenitsi - special ornaments made of white and red yarn. They are a symbol of health, luck and strength during the year.

Pernik Gears Up for Spectacular "Surva" Mummers Festival

In anticipation of the International Festival of Masquerade Games "Surva," the town of Pernik has declared January 26 a non-school day, setting the stage for a vibrant celebration. The festival, renowned for its colorful and spirited masquerade parades, promises an extraordinary experience for participants and spectators alike.

Festival in Sofia Brings Animated Films from all over the World

276 cartoons, 32 of them Bulgarian, participate in the Golden Kuker Film Festival in Sofia. It begins on May 7, and there will be free screenings.

For the ninth time, Golden Kuker presents the best animations from 94 countries, including Bulgaria. Viewers will experience exciting stories and an impressive vision created with all the means of expression of fine arts and cinema.