Climate change skepticism and denial

‘Bloody Mary’ underwear collection with Donald Trump’s face (photos)

You might like hate him or like him, but one thing is for sure, Donald trump is a public figure that has caused great controversy with what he does and says. A company called ‘Etsy’ is trying to cash in on all the hoopla, and especially his comments on women, surrounding his name and has launched a new collection of underwear titled ‘Bloody Mary’ for women in their period months.

The Trump question

In a movie I recently watched, an artist was told that his paintings were ugly. His reply was surprising: "I know that. But I do this on purpose. I want these ugly pictures to spread like a virus and destroy art from the inside." 

Trump, Clinton capture key wins on US Super Tuesday

Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton took big steps toward securing their parties' presidential nominations  on March 1 with a series of state-by-state victories, but their rivals vowed to keep on fighting.

On Super Tuesday, the 2016 campaign's biggest day of nominating contests, Trump, 69, and Clinton, 68, proved themselves the undisputed front-runners. 

Erdo?an calling Trump

Now that real estate mogul Donald Trump has won two very critical Republican primaries, we have enough reason to imagine a telephone conversation between him and President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an one year from today. 

The centerpiece of this phone call will probably be Syria. But most likely, Trump's presumed anti-Islamic rhetoric will be on the agenda as well. So here it goes: 

Trump skips debate, wins on social media

Donald Trump was the big winner across social media on the night of Jan. 28 during the seventh Republican presidential debate - despite the fact that he was not even there. 

Trump was the most searched-for candidate on Google during the debate, according to data supplied by the search engine, which co-sponsored the event with Fox News. 
