Domestic violence

PM Dancila: As Romania's first female prime minister, I understand my immense responsibility

In a message on March 8, the International Women's Day, Romania's Prime Minister Viorica Dancila says that as Romania's the first ever female prime minister, she understands her immense responsibility, especially in promoting women's rights in all areas of social life.

ELAS creates new department for domestic violence

The Greek Police (ELAS) has created a new department for dealing with domestic violence and providing specialist training to officers around the country on how to prevent and manage crimes within the family.

Staff at the new department will have specific guidelines on how to file and build domestic violence cases, on how to handle victims and also on raising public awareness.

Missing Money is the Reason for a Father to Beat his Daughter in Varna

Missing money is the reason for the 14-year-old girl from Varna to be beaten by her father. On March 1, between the 45-year-old Hristo Hristov and his daughter a scandal broke out about a missing sum of money, then the man had begun to beat the child. She is currently in a hospital with bodily injuries after the beatings.

PM Dancila: Domestic violence cases register a worrying rise

Domestic violence cases register a worrying increase and fighting this phenomenon, as well as supporting the victims are imperative, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Monday. "The data show that, unfortunately, the domestic violence cases register a worrying rise. An indicator which reflects the gravity of this phenomenon is the large number of deaths caused by domestic violence.

40-year-old Woman from Varna Died after a Brutal Beating Inflicted by her Husband

A 40-year-old woman was murdered by her husband. The murder happened in a private home in the center of Varna, the Varna police said. The woman's body was found on Monday, February 25th, afternoon. Hours later the perpetrator was detained, a 41-year-old man from Varna named Borislav, reports Darik.

Most Bulgarians Are Optimistic About 2019

Most Bulgarians are optimistic about 2019, a survey of Barometer Bulgaria shows, quoted by the Bulgarian National Radio.

60% of the surveyed nationals hope that their life would improve next year. Half of the respondents (51.2%) said that Bulgaria's rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union was the most significant event this year.
