Greek government-debt crisis

Kasselakis challenges Mitsotakis to allow accountants check party finances

Main opposition SYRIZA leader Stefanos Kasselakis has challenged Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to bring in an independent firm of chartered accountants to check the finances of both SYRIZA and ruling New Democracy for the past 10 years, in the latest row over shady political funding sources.

“A new era must dawn on PASOK.” Doukas, Geroulanos, Christodoulakis, and Nadia, potential leaders of the Party

The president of PASOK has run out of allies and is heading towards a leadership election after summer - Sunday will see the announcement of the schedule - Plans and internal party ferment

The ongoing crisis in Greece’s center left

The aftershocks of the European elections are still being felt in Greece, as none of the big three parties reached their stated goals. The country's attention has turned to the center left, particularly PASOK, where several party officials are calling for a leadership change. At the same time, there are growing internal discussions in PASOK and SYRIZA regarding forming a coalition.
