Human geography

Istanbul Modern puts on a collaborative show

For the first time, Istanbul's public is getting a chance to see the fruits of a collaboration between global artists and craftspeople in Istanbul. Launched by Istanbul Modern in October 2018 with the support of the Istanbul Development Agency (ISTKA), the International Artist Residency Program invited 10 artists from around the world to Istanbul to join forces with local craftspeople.

Migrants in Turkey head to EU borders after signal from Ankara

Groups of migrants in Turkey headed toward its borders with Greece and Bulgaria on Friday, Reuters reporters said, after a senior official said Ankara will no longer abide by a 2016 EU deal and stop refugees from reaching Europe.
Late on Thursday, Turkey said 33 Turkish soldiers were killed in an air strike by Syrian government forces in Syria's northwestern Idlib region.

IT Boom Gives Romania’s ‘Dust-Clad’ Iasi a Shine

Iasi in the northeast, the ugly sister among Romania's big cities, seemed to buck the trend. 

But today this once neglected city is changing fast, from a run-down post-industrial centre into a regional hub for IT, attracting international companies and global giants such as Amazon, Oracle and the research division of the German automotive manufacturer Continental. 

Migrant Convoy in Serbia Turned Back at Hungarian Border

Several hundred migrants and refugees who tried to cross the border from Serbia to Hungary on Thursday night have been turned back by Hungarian police and moved to camps in Serbia.

The group arrived at the Kelebia-Tompa border crossing and spent the night protesting and attempting in vain to enter Hungary. Most came from Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Morocco and Palestine.
