Istanbul Modern puts on a collaborative show

For the first time, Istanbul's public is getting a chance to see the fruits of a collaboration between global artists and craftspeople in Istanbul. Launched by Istanbul Modern in October 2018 with the support of the Istanbul Development Agency (ISTKA), the International Artist Residency Program invited 10 artists from around the world to Istanbul to join forces with local craftspeople.

The new works produced by these artists went on display at Istanbul Modern on Feb. 26 as part of the exhibition "Guests: Artists and Craftspeople," the first of its kind to be organized as part of Istanbul Modern's International Artist Residency Program.

The project, which will contribute greatly to Turkey's promotion abroad, is supported by ISTKA's Innovative and Creative Istanbul Financial Support Program. In a first for Turkey, the program is arranging for artists from all over the world to collaborate with craftspeople in Istanbul under the auspices of a museum.

The exhibition invites viewers to think about Istanbul's centuries-old craft heritage through a contemporary lens. With the aim of enhancing the global visibility of Istanbul, the program has invited artists to collaborate with masters in a variety of traditional crafts ranging from wood carving and carpet weaving to metal spinning and quilt making.

The 10 participating artists, who have participated in international biennials and exhibitions and shown their works in leading global museums and art institutions, focus on the themes of craft and tradition in their production processes or work with different materials and techniques.

All told, Faig Ahmed (Baku), Rana Begum (London), Benji Boyadgian (Jerusalem), Rodrigo Hernández (Mexico City), Servet Koçyiğit (Amsterdam), Outi Pieski ...

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