Ivica Dačić

OSCE Troika: Political dialogue in Ukraine to be opened asap

BELGRADE - The OSCE Troika comprising the foreign ministers of Serbia, Germany and Switzerland advocated on Tuesday the promotion of the political process in Ukraine, and called for the promptest possible implementation of the Minsk agreement and establishment of a political dialogue in this country.

Dacic meets with CEB vice-governer

BELGRADE- Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met with Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) Vice-Governor Mikolaj Dowgielewicz in Belgrade Monday to discuss cooperation, focusing in particular on the implementation of a program for housing of refugees in a region funded by the bank.

Dacic and Thaci "chat, shake hands"

Dacic and Thaci "chat, shake hands"

BRDO -- Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic today "spoke briefly and shook hands" with Kosovo Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci, ahead of a conference in Slovenia.

The encounter occurred regardless of the controversy between Belgrade and Pristina caused by Thaci's intention to attend an NGO's conference in Belgrade.
