Ivica Dačić

Dacic condemns ceasefire violations

Dacic condemns ceasefire violations

BELGRADE -- OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Serbia's Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic condemned on Sunday the ceasefire violations in eastern Ukraine over the past few days.

He "voiced serious concern over the use of proscribed heavy weapons as well as the increased fighting in and around Donetsk and Shyrokyne," the OSCE office in Belgrade said.

Dacic, Crnadak: Serbia-BiH relations at very high level

SARAJEVO - The bilateral relations between Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) and Serbia are at a very high level, and Serbia is interested in stability and progress of BiH, it was concluded at a meeting in Sarajevo between First Deputy Prime Minister Ivica Dacic and BiH Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak.
