
EC tweets spotlights old interview

A day before the crucial referendum in Greece, there are smoke signals from the European Commission. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s senior advisor, Martin Selmayr, has been tweeting thoughts on Greece with links to a Der Spiegel interview that is more than two weeks old.

Juncker, Schulz on Greece crisis: History in the making!

“Important events for which you are not prepared are going on in Athens, with results which probably won’t match articles you wrote,” EU Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker told a reporters covering the Eurogroup meeting in Brussels, while European Parliament president Martin Schulz added that “what is happening today is historic”.

Merkel, Hollande, Juncker notified on latest developments

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, and EC president Jean-Claude Juncker were notified on the latest news on Greece.


Jean-Claude Juncker was furious when he heard about the news, while the German Chancellor asked what the subject of the referendum will be. The Prime Minister’s answer was “Do you want this deal, or not”.


Spiegel quotes frustrated Juncker: 'I don't understand Tsipras'

European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker went public on Friday with his frustration for none other than Greek PM Alexis Tsipras, as the latter was in St. Petersburg brushing up on his BRICS credentials and talking energy deals with Vladimir Putin.

“I don’t understand Tsipras,” Juncker was quoted by the German weekly Der Spiegel as saying.

Greece 'is a cow': behind the scenes of a deal collapse

Greece is a cow slipping on ice that must be pushed to firm ground, says European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker, employing a rustic metaphor for painful days of trying to save headstrong Athens from default and catastrophe.

Last week no less than 60 delegations descended on the European Union capital of Brussels for a Europe-Latin America summit.

EU spokesman confirms Juncker won’t meet with Greek PM

Commission spokesman Margaritis Schinas confirmed on Wednesday that European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has no scheduled meeting with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras the same day.

Schinas also said Juncker is taking part in a summit of European Union and Caribbean and Latin American leaders in Brussels on Wednesday afternoon, which Tsipras will also attend.
