
EU's Juncker was 'very pessimistic' about Greece, now more positive

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Wednesday he believes Greece's reforms and financing issues are being resolved after a torrid few weeks.

"I have to recognize that I was very pessimistic during the last weeks because there was no progress whatsoever,» Juncker told the European Parliament.

EU Commission VP Jyrki Katainen to Visit Bulgaria on April 16

Jyrki Katainen, the European Commission's Vice President for Jobs, Growth and Investment, is due to visit Bulgaria on April 16.

Katainen, also a former Finnish MP, will be in the Bulgarian capital Sofia as part of his Europe-wide tour promoting the EU Investment Plan that has become known as the "Juncker Plan" in the past few months.

Spiegel: Tsipras didn't send promised list to Schulz, Juncker

According to Spiegel, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras won't ? send Martin Schulz and Jean-Claude Juncker a list of privatizations and measures to combat tax evasion, as he previously promised.

The respected German magazine cited sources within the Maximos Mansion government headquarters as saying that no list will be sent after all.

PM Ponta talks with Slovak PM Robert Fico about Juncker Investment Plan and Energy Union

Prime Minister Victor Ponta in Bucharest on Friday talked with Slovak Republic Prime Minister Robert Fico about topical issues of the European agenda, such as the Juncker Investment Plan, the Energy Union and the developments in the eastern neighbourhood.

Photo credit: (c) Liviu SOVA / AGERPRES PHOTO

EU Commission President Criticises Lack of Progress on Greek Debt Talks

European Commission (EC) President Jean Claude-Juncker criticised on Friday the lack of progress in the negotiations on Greece's bailout.

However Juncker assured that there was no risk of failure in the talks, which could lead to Greece leaving the Eurozone, EurActiv reports.
