Kosovo Force

Situation in Zvecan calm, Kfor troops still deployed outside municipal building

ZVECAN - The situation in Zvecan was calm on Tuesday morning and Kfor troops are still deployed outside the local municipal building following Monday's clashes between Kfor and Serb protesters, a Tanjug reporter on the ground said.

The main street of the town is blocked and Kfor troops are now deployed around a much wider area surrounding the building and along streets.

Many injured in Zvecan clashes, one Serb shot and wounded with AK-47

ZVECAN - Many people were injured in Monday's clashes between Kfor troops and Serb protesters in Zvecan, a Serb-majority municipality in northern Kosovo-Metohija, a Tanjug reporter on the ground said.

One of the protesters was shot and wounded with an AK-47 rifle and subsequently hospitalised with an exit wound.

KFOR attacked Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija; There are wounded, bursts of fire echo VIDEO

As they state, shock bombs are flying in all directions and shooting is heard, and the attack was carried out by KFOR.
Just a few minutes before that, Igor Simi, a representative of the Serb List, called on the citizens, more than a thousand of them, gathered in front of the Municipality building in Zvean, to sit quietly on the ground, with their hands raised.
