Kyriakos Mitsotakis

Adonis and Chatzidakis are the new ND vice presidents

Newly elected president of New Democracy Kyriakos Mitsotakis appointed Adonis Georgiadis and Kostis Chatzidakis new vice presidents of the party.

Mr. Mitsotakis appointed MP Kostis Chatzidakis responsible for drafting the government program of the party and MP Adonis Georgiadis  responsible for the coordination of party’s parliamentary work, says ND’s statement.

Greek opposition ahead of Syriza for first time in a year

Greece's conservative opposition New Democracy party is more popular than the ruling left-wing Syriza for the first time in at least a year, two surveys show.

A poll published Jan. 17 in the Proto Thema weekly placed ND on 21.3 percent against Syriza's 18 percent, while a survey Saturday for the Parapolitika newspaper showed the conservatives with 23.6 percent against 19.9 percent.

ND leader Mitsotakis asks Greek diaspora to help change Greece

The president of main opposition party New Democracy Kyriakos Mitsotakis sent a message to Greek diaspora asking them to help change Greece.

In his statement on newspaper “National Herald” he stressed that he believes in national values and capabilities of the Greeks to save the country from decline, while he stressed that Greek diaspora’s help is more valuable than ever.
