Languages of Europe

The Sledgehammer hits back

Once upon a time, a man with big eyes and an endless oratory capability was shouting at every square of the country: “They were going to bomb our mosques … They were going to provoke a war with our neighbor Greece … They were going to provoke martial law … Using the powers imbued by the martial law, they were going to overtake the government … The plan was foiled!”

Bulgaria Claims Black Sea Resorts Are in Normal Condition after Floods

The Bulgarian Association of Travel Agents (BATA) has informed that the situation at the Black Sea resorts after the heavy rain is normal.

The torrential rain of the past few days led to flooding in the lower parts of some hotels but there was no serious and lasting damage, according to BATA, as cited by the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency.

Ending the older witch hunts

More than four years ago, in this very column, I wrote a piece titled, “Today, I am closer to the secularists,” and I wrote the following:

“We have had enough McCarthyism in this country against religious people. Now we should not let things turn the other way around.” (HDN, January 10, 2010)
