Marika Mitsotakis

Former Greek Prime Minister Konstantinos Mitsotakis has died aged 99

Former Prime Minister and Honorary President of the main opposition party New Democracy, Konstantinos Mitsotakis died an hour after Sunday midnight at the age of 99.

His family issued a simple statement:

“Konstantinos Mitsotakis passed away at one o’ clock after midnight, surrounded by the people he loved and loved him”.

Mitsotakis: Whoever compromises with Syriza will be left behind


The leader of the Greek main opposition party “New Democracy”, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, attacked the Greek government in his speech to his shadow government earlier today.

“The celebrations of February 20th were proven to be lies and they mock the Greek people. The delay in the evaluation is catastrophic for the economy”, he stated.

Mitsotakis Easter message: Hope for a new beginning based on truth

In his Easter message, leader of New Democracy Kyriakos Mitsotakis expressed hope of a new start with sound expectations for the Greek people. ‘Wishes have more value when accompanied with actions’, said Mitsotakis, adding that truth and unity should be the guiding principles of a new start. ‘Happy Easter, Happy Resurrection to all of us and to Greece’, he said.   

ND leader Mitsotakis asks Greek diaspora to help change Greece

The president of main opposition party New Democracy Kyriakos Mitsotakis sent a message to Greek diaspora asking them to help change Greece.

In his statement on newspaper “National Herald” he stressed that he believes in national values and capabilities of the Greeks to save the country from decline, while he stressed that Greek diaspora’s help is more valuable than ever.

ND leader Mitsotakis prepares rearrangement of party organization

The newly elected president of main opposition party New Democracy Kyriakos Mitsotakis prepares methodically the changes to promote in all levels and for which he is expected to talk at tomorrow’s meeting of party’s parliamentary group.

Mr. Mitsotakis will present the initiatives to be undertaken and the goals to set.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis proceeds to party’s renewal: Convention to be held on Febr. 26-28

Newly elected president of New Democracy Kyriakos Mitsotakis wants to prepare New Democracy within next 111 days to be ready to win the next elections. This, however, does not mean that he wants to overthrow SYRIZA’s government earlier than its four-year term. “He has seen the fate of those who were in hurry, the only problem is that Greece cannot wait any more” an associate of Mr.

How Greece came to recognize Israel after 43 years!

Greece had abstained in November 29, 1947, when the UN General Assembly voted to recognize the newly-born Jewish state. Greek governments continued with this policy until 1990. During this time, the Israeli envoy in Athens had the title “Diplomatic Representative” until Prime Minister Constantine Mitsotakis was elected as Greek PM.
